Saturday, October 9, 2010

Another First For Me!

I happened across Clara's first talkie The Wild Party 1929, released quite a few months before the stock market crash so its an interesting look at college life for women in the 1920s. I really enjoyed it probably because I could relate. Its no classic ala Casablanca-but its a great film in its own right.

Well I deleted everything on a lark...

...and by delete i also mean deactivate etc., my facebook, myspace, twitter, myyearbook, my youtube everything. I'm just sick of having all that info out there. I'm going to stick to emailing only. I was very nearly on the verge of deleting even my blog but eh I dont think there's any info on here that can be sold as far as I know.
So far I have yet to read anymore of Dead Until Dark but I think I will today when I accompany my mom to the clinic.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hello there!

Well I've taken a week off from reading true blood since ive been busy with school and doing lots of reading for it. In the meantime, in my free time I'm still completely obessed with Union Depot and will be probably until i see another film like it. Well its way late here so Im about to not let the bedbugs bite!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Well shut my mouth!

I'm on chapter 4 of Dead Until Dark and only a couple of pages in (not a whole lot happening, the town is split over the murders and half suspect Bill is the murderer, even Jason, and Sook's getting ready to go to Fangtasia I think) but I took a brief interlude into my fave era-PRECODE films. There's a reason I love pre-codes-you get the modernism of today combined with the storytelling and actors of yesterday in black and white. I cant get enough. Saw a gem today: Union Depot. It stars Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (So cute and I think all of 22) and Joan Blondell (awesome pre-code actress). I thought I'd seen it all and that most plots were the same-then I saw this film and remembered that most films like that are from the code enforced era. Its so good and surprising-a must see as I highly recommend it!  I got it from The movies are overpriced but at the same time you really cant get them anywhere else save for a youtube channel (before it gets deleted) or tcm(they like to play it safe and rarely show pre-codes) so as a fan of the era there arent a lot of options. Yay for digital download as I dont have patience to wait for a dvd in the mail. Also purchased my first Joan Crawford film, Forsaking all Others which co-stars Clark Gable and Robert Montgomery. I'm not really a Crawford fan, I've only ever seen her in Grand Hotel and while I liked that film (Union Depot is just as good btw) and in The Women (she didnt play a sympathetic character)  I must say I'm put off by mommie dearest. Its terrible if she treated her daughter like that, if its true. However she starred in quite a few pre-codes and since I love the era I may just have to put her personal life aside and just enjoy Joan Crawford the actress. I havent seen the film but based on reviews I've read it should make me a fan. I'm still in awe of Union Depot though-so unexpectedly good-I love when a film's like that. Is it weird that I have a crush on Douglas Fairbanks Jr now? LOL.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I so need to rewatch season 1

I got to chapter 4 and if i'm real ambitious I'll finish this weekend but there's is one thing thats fuzzy to me-there's no JB on the show right? Darn I wished I could remember and kind of hope he is but I doubt it. There was finally a mention of Lafayette, Sam shut Sookie out of his head and Sook's couldn't read Rene's mind-because obviously if she could she would have known he did it and then she wouldnt have gone to Fangtasia and met Eric and basically we'd have no tale. I'm really enjoying the books-there's starting to be a bit more differences but nothing major that I mind.
Alright thats all for now!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

True Blood and the Odyssey

My True Blood reading has picked up I'm well into chapter 3 which isn't too bad considering that the book only has 12 chapters and I must say I am so enjoying a lot. I really feel like rewatching the dvds but thats going to have to wait until this weekend as I'm postively swamped with schoolwork, in my World Lit class we delved further into the Odyssey books 5-8 and by Thursday I'll have to read books 9-12. All I can say is thank God for as its a lifesaver since the language and names can be difficult to understand. Still I'm really, really digging the Odyssey-its my first time really reading the story since mostly my high school class focused on the Illiad. But yea back to True Blood. (Beware of spoilers I guess)
So I last left off talking about Sookie helping Bill from the Rattrays. Next I read about Sookie talking to Grans and Grans nudging Sooks to date Bill. Then I read Sookie's horrific beating at the hands of the Rattrays, Bill killing them and the cover up, Sookie drinking Bill's blood, Bill meeting Gran's, and then the discovery of Dawn. Seriously the book is extremely close to show with the exception of Jason's explicit sex scenes those are very much absent. Oddly enough Tara is absent for much of the story as is any mention of Terry or Lafayette. The Arlene scene is there, as is Rene, and there's mention of Hoyt and Andy but ultimately it is really close. Even the scene with Sookie visiting Bill and meeting the other vampires is there. I must admit now I can't wait to keep reading and then watch the show. If only the other seasons could remain as true as season 1.
Well thats all for now I have a Criminal Justice exam tomorrow to study for!

Monday, September 20, 2010

True Blood, Sia, KT

As a fan of the show  True Blood, I've decided to go ahead and read the books in their entirety since as an Eric and Sookie fan I mostly skipped to their parts and never went back and read the rest. For those that don't know the books are written by Charlaine Harris. The first book in the so far 10 set series is titled Dead Until Dark. I read between classes today and got to page 14. For those that haven't read the books nor seen the show this will contain spoilers so continue reading at your own risk. ;)
So for the most part I was pleasantly surprised with how closely the show had followed the book. I literally felt like I was reading one of those movie based novels and it was great. I got to the part where Sookie helped Bill with the Rattrays and where he offered his blood which was in vials to her after he'd been drained a bit. In the show it was recently revealed that Bill let Sookie get beat within an inch of her life to get her to drink his blood. I've been told is not in the books. From what I take of this Bill tried to get Sookie to drink his blood from the vials but when it didn't work he let them beat her. Bill also seems less like the humanized vampire the show later portrayed him as and more vampire. Not feeling sucked in yet but I do want to keep reading.I'm sure that I'm reading because I want to compare it to the show and not because these type of books are the kind I usually read because they're not.  So it's hard for me to describe whether had there been no show would I'd gotten this far into the book because it does take until like page 8 for some real action to happen. Normally either the first page has to grab me and if it doesn't I'm done.
As for music, I finally purchased Sia's We Are Born and I'm so glad I did as this is the album I always wanted Sia to make. For those that don't know Sia is of Zero 7 fame from the song In the Waiting Line which was played on Sex and the City and Garden State. Most recently she collaborated on Christina Aguilera's bomb Bionic so that didn't help her any but really didn't hurt her either. Anyways the tracks are upbeat and Sia's voice is amazing; she really soars on a number of songs. I do consider We Are Born to be better than Bionic, so if you're a fan of Bionic I highly suggest picking up Sia's album as it's the superior album. I bought this album out of desperation as the album I really want won't be out until October and thats KT Tunstall's new album. Her previous album Drastic Fantastic was considered a dud but I found the songs on their to be superior than some on Eye  to the Telescope and definitely better than her acoustic album. The main problem with her last album was the first single released from the album was the song I liked least so that was definitely a bad choice for a first single. 'Fade Like a Shadow' is her single here in the states and its catchy and fun but still not as great a single as one of her bigger hits 'Suddenly I See' best known from the film Devil Wears Prada. Her UK single 'Still a Weirdo' is excellent. I can't wait but at the same time I have no choice unless it leaks early. Here's hoping!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Thank you for visiting! This blog is titled after Mary Hopkin's hit song Those Were the Days in 1968. Its often heard said that 'those were the days' and while I do think its important to appreciate those days, they are after all behind us, and its important to look forward as well. So this blog shall discuss these days in the form of reviews of books, music, television, and films. Hope you enjoy your visit!
Miss Melissa